Stepping Thru offers Focused Sessions, Breakthrough Sessions, and Team Workshops that can help you breakthrough performance barriers.
Imagine saying this to yourself: My last competition went perfectly! I was confident! I’m letting go of mistakes and staying in the moment!! This can be your new way of thinking about your game.
Whether it’s helping you play trouble-free tennis or shaving some shots off your handicap, mental coaching is a powerful shortcut.
Elite athletes are well aware of this shortcut because the stakes are much, much higher. Almost all top-performing athletes use mental sports coaching. There’s no mental stigma attached. They know the rewards outweigh any possible criticisms.
This shortcut is open to everyone. At any level. Beginner, amateur or elite.
Let’s tackle your biggest problem—head on!!
This is a great place to start! Some say breaking bad habits and creating new behaviours and mindsets is extremely difficult. It is, but only if you go about change the wrong way.
After a focused session, you'll see immediate results in your practices and performances. You'll get back into the flow of your sport. Your game will improve.
What works for your friend or competitor or the average athlete is not likely to work for you. A breakthrough session really gives us the time to look at you—your history, and your game.
Personalized breakthrough sessions are for busy people that want fast, permanent results. We’ll take you to new levels and really push your boundaries. You’ll certainly go beyond what you ever thought was possible.
If your efforts to be consistent, one aspect of the game at time, have not been getting results very fast, you’ll appreciate longer sessions.
We can take our time and dig out the roots. Typically, we’ll spend 6-8 hours together looking at all aspects of what is going on between your ears with respect to your performance.
In a breakthrough session, I’ll take my time getting to know your unique situation and history. I’ll make the session very tailored to your individual needs.
We’ll pinpoint a number of specific areas where you want to see changes. Don’t worry if you are not sure what these areas are in advance. Our preliminary conversation will reveal some things that will surprise you!
The session is very goal oriented. We’ll set a number of achievable goals and outcomes for the session.
Break free of the performance barrier stall that keeps you losing, matching or going below your personal best
Eliminate inconsistent performance
Eliminate stress in your game
Be in control of your performance. Achieve your potential
Enhance your performance ... in sport, work, & relationships.
Improve your scores, without practicing any harder
Play relaxed and being on cruise control
Dig out and overcome limiting beliefs holding you back
Reduce negative emotions that stop you, like doubt & anxiety
Easily play your best in stressful situations
Overcome injuries faster
Increase motivation and drive
Have more fun playing
Do you lead or coach a team? Would you like to have more fun and make more wins? Stepping Thru Consulting offers customized programs for teams.
Stepping Thru Consulting offers 1-hr workshops to sports groups.
Workshops are experiential, entertaining, fun, and educational. They’ll leave people feeling energized and ready to make changes in their performance in sport… and life.
· Improving mind-body connection to perform more consistently
· Changing limiting beliefs to empowering beliefs
· Reducing negative emotions preventing teams' best performance
· Managing stressful situations
· Increasing motivation and drive
· Being in control of your competition performance
Stepping Thru Consulting can help you get to the next level of your sport.