Are you looking to get to the next level in your sport?
Are you looking for a solution that's going to be dependable, work consistently, be effective in the long-term, and get results quickly?
Do you need help conquering that 'one thing' that's been holding you back?
The key to successfully getting to the next level of performance isn’t training harder, training longer, or betting on slow consistent improvements. Sure, you can do that and get decent results, but....
Athletes are falling short of their potential because they’re not using the full power of their minds.
When you unlock your MIND, you’ll unlock your GAME!
It’s frustrating to see your competitors win—when you KNOW they aren’t any better than you are. It’s tough when you aren’t even sure you’re seeing your own progress.
Overcoming performance barriers isn’t easy. Maybe you’ve tried to improve on your own. Maybe you’ve paid for coaching. It’s acutely stressful when you feel like you’re so close to reaching your goals, yet you just can't seem to make it happen.
Your sport shouldn’t include bad stress. The kind that makes athletes drop out of sports and question their worth and capability. And, then years later question whether they truly did try everything they could…and then ask…what if I had found the right kind of help at the right moment in my athletic career?
I found myself asking this exact question…
My passion is helping ambitious athletes achieve their next level of performance and have fun in their sport.
My journey as a competitive athlete shaped Stepping Thru Consulting. My sport was natural luge. I competed provincially, nationally, and finally at the World Cup. But within 6 years I hit a barrier, figuratively and literally too!
I was overwhelmed, stressed, injured, and stuck. I didn’t realize it at the time, but my career in sports was about to end and my mental sports coaching career about to begin.
I like seeing people improve in sport. I marvel at watching them reach their highest potential.
My joy is watching athletes literally step through performance barriers. It is so great to share in their success and happiness. And time and time again, I’ve seen how success in sport spills over into the rest of their lives.
Whether you are a beginner, amateur, or pro athlete, achieving your personal best is a significant accomplishment that can give you an immense sense of pride and fulfillment.
I saw Frode to help with me with my weight. My goals were to lose weight, reduce my sugar cravings, and make healthy choices. Frode welcomed me graciously. He is personable and good natured, and he’ll keep you laughing! Even though I felt hesitant (as it was my first-time trying hypnosis), Frode explained everything in such a way that I felt informed, calm, and relaxed.
After my session, I noticed a decrease in my sugar cravings. I’ve been able to maintain a healthier lifestyle. I believe Frode substantially helped me with my weight loss goals.
I would recommend anyone work with Frode to achieve all types of personal goals.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I attended Frode’s weight loss hypnosis seminar. I wanted to get healthier by eating less garbage and controlling my cravings. I really didn’t know what to expect.
Immediately, afterwards, though, I didn’t feel any different. But a few days after the seminar, I was picking up some things at the grocery store and I noticed I was talking myself out of getting junk food! And since the seminar, my cravings have vastly decreased and I find myself choosing healthy foods every time! I recommend Frode’s hypnosis to anyone that is ready to change and has an open mind. Frode is super friendly with a great sense of humour. His voice was very calming and easy to listen to.
Devon, Alberta, Canada
I’ve been playing hockey for 46 years. I love the sport and the competition. I’m a good skater, but a poor puck handler. The guys I play with know they can strip the puck off of me quite easily.
I decided to try one session of NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) with Mr. Skjolingstad to improve my confidence in puck handling. I was surprised by the unexpected results!!
In my next, regular weekly hockey game, I had the confidence to make some moves!! I had a great time doing it and I enjoyed it. I was completely successful in dealing with my challenge, in my circle of confidence. That alone was well worth my time and money with Mr. Skjolingstad.
I am looking forward to exploring other benefits that this practice may bring to other parts of my life.
Once a Skeptic!
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
If you’re on this website, you've probably been working at improving your performance for some time. You know your game and you know yourself.
Good coaches help you with technique but rarely work with your mental game. They also don’t necessarily know more than you do.
You’ll get results when you work with a high-performance athletic coach. They’ll help you in all aspects of your training and develop a personalized program just for you.
Of course, you’ll pay a lot for a high-performance coach.
Sure, you could put together your own program. That's great if you’re self-motivated and resourceful. But it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks:
It requires a lot of time
Improving performance can’t be learned from book
Help for your specific situation isn’t in a book.
If physical sport coaching and coaching yourself don’t work very well to get you great results, what is the solution?
The secret weapon of smart and successful elite athletes—mental sport coaching. They know that working on their mental game is just as important as working on their physical game.
The tools of mental sport coaching include neurolinguistics programming, visualization, and hypnosis. Using these tools, athletes can easily relax, focus inward, visualize success, and think like a champion.
When you think like a champion, you’ll become a champion!
Do you recall being in the "zone?" You know, that thrilling moment when everything just worked out exactly the way you wanted it to— effortlessly.
If you've been in the zone even once, you can do it again. Here’s why: your “best” is encoded in your mind and muscle memory.
With mental coaching, every athlete can get into the “zone” quickly and effectively. How fast? Within seconds before a shot, move, or play.
You’ve got your best play in you. The secret is simply to remove mental barriers, over thinking, and forcing things.
Sport mastery is about relaxing, loosening up, and feeling confident.
Well, perhaps nothing would work for you. (I have to be honest here).
However, I’ve found that there are three things that set apart athletes that excel in unusual ways from those that find themselves stuck, again and again. Exceptional performers…
Are willing to work on themselves and their performance
Have an open mind
Are curious about new approaches, such as mental training
Over thinking, tightening up, and trying to force things will work against you.
Mental coaching helps you relax, loosen up, visualize success and feel confident. When that happens, you’ll get all parts of your mind and body to work together in ways that you’ve never experienced before.
No matter your level or sport, Stepping Thru sessions can be customized to your needs.
This session will help you immediately enhance your performance. We'll tackle your biggest problem—head on.
If you want to go to new levels in your sport, a breakthrough session is for you.
Unlock the hidden potential of your team with a workshop customized for your team.
As a former athlete, I understand the mental and physical frustrations and blocks of athletes. Few others have the knowledge, experience, and skills to work with the entire athlete: the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the body.
My services are personalized uniquely to you. The experience of working with me has been described as fun, enjoyable, and surprising.
So, what can you do next?
You can contact me to find out more, Or, send me an email and we can set up a time to talk. You’ll definitely walk away with a few tips you can implement right away!
And if you are ready to take your sport to the next level, we can get you going right away!!
Things won’t get any better on their own.